Information disorders in Africa: An annotated bibliography of selected countries

Digital technologies are catalysts for social transformation on the African continent. Building upon Research ICT Africa’s prior work in the IDRC’s strategically funded study on information disorders globally the project team created an annotated bibliography of more than 50 academic studies that traces the various ways in which information disorders manifest within African contexts. By looking at how the digital technologies have been used by Africans, this annotated bibliography traces the historical relationship between the emergence of new technologies and the changing nature of media. It provides a detailed overview of how actors and other elements in the society have shaped information disorders. This toolkit can help to drive clear interventions in better regulating information disorders, which have become central to public life. 

This annotated bibliography compiles relevant literature on information disorders in Africa published in English. Published under the creative commons licence, this living document allows others use and build upon this annotated bibliography. By identifying several causes and vectors of misinformation, disinformation, and fake news in Africa, Research ICT Africa aims to contribute to the global policy conversation about how to improve governance on these developments.

License: BY-NC-SA
Suggested citation:

Timcke, S., Orembo, L, & Hlomani, H. (2023). Information disorders in Africa: An annotated bibliography of selected countries. Research ICT Africa.


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