Dr Kelle Howson is a Senior Research Associate with Research ICT Africa, with a specialisation in digitalisation, labour and economic inequality. Kelle is also a Research Associate with the Oxford Internet Institute, where she previously worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher on the Fairworks Project, which researches working conditions on digital labour platforms in more than 25 countries. Kelle led Fairwork’s research on online remote work platforms. She is also a Senior Research Associate with the Institute for Economic Justice in Johannesburg, where she has contri-buted to policy and advocacy towards a universal basic income in South Africa. Kelle has published widely on issues related to the platform economy, digital labour and development. She is an editor of Ethical Value Networks in International Trade (2022, Edward Elgar). Kelle completed her PhD in development studies at Victoria University of Wellington Te Herenga Waka, New Zealand, and previously worked as a Senior Researcher in the Labour Leader’s Office of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacina Ardern.