Temporary spectrum allocation and the demand for increased internet bandwidth during lockdown

Could opening up temporary spectrum to other service providers in SA meet the lockdown demand for increased internet bandwidth – and deliver more affordable access?

Join us for a free webinar on Thursday, 4 June 2020 from 3pm – 4pm (SAST)

There’s been an extraordinary demand for internet bandwidth under COVID-19 lockdown conditions, as significant numbers of people switch to living online, prompting the Minister of Communications to direct the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) to release temporary spectrum to ease internet bandwidth congestion and alleviate large-scale digital exclusion.

ICASA has granted access to the high demand spectrum that would have been auctioned later in the year to Vodacom, MTN, Telkom and Liquid and three new TV white space operators. But has an opportunity been lost for experimentation with the licensing of alternative service providers able to affordably meet the needs of under-serviced communities and areas? Can the conventional supply side valuation of spectrum be complemented by demand side valuation in the allocation of resources that recognises the social value of spectrum as a public good prioritising digital inclusion?

Dr. Alison Gillwald

Join RIA’s Executive Director Alison Gillwald in conversation with a panel of experts on internet networks, including:

Alan Knott Craig (Jnr)

Steve Song
Network Startup Resource Centre

Dr. Carlos-Rey Moreno
Zenzeleni Networks/Association for Progressive Communications

Dr. David Johnson
UCT ICT4D Centre, Oceanview Community Network

Tim Genders
Wireless Access Providers Association

Mortimer Hope
GH Communications

Dr. Senka Hadzic
Research ICT Africa

Pablo Aguera
Research ICT Africa

Register for this webinar

To register for this “temporary spectrum webinar” send an email to info@researchictafrica.net and you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Further reading

To learn more about ICASA’s allocation of temporary spectrum, read RIA’s latest policy brief:
Temporary COVID-19 spectrum – a missed opportunity for some regulatory innovation?
