Introducing our newest Media Democracy Fund Fellow

The Ford/MDF Technology Exchange Fellowship (TX) creates opportunities for emerging technology leaders around the world to gain experience working with civil society organizations on Internet Freedom issues.

RIA’s newest technology exchange fellow will explore governance and ethics around AI readiness in Africa and research new models of data governance. Through his research, Oarabile will be interrogating the use of Artificial Intelligence and algorithmic bias to inform public policy, create an environment where digital technologies and the internet have a long-term, positive impact on society.

Experienced in communications policy and research, he will be developing policy papers from his research findings around AI in Africa. Oarabile holds a Bachelors (Honours) degree in Computing from Teesside University. Most recently, he attended the AI development workshop hosted by the Harvard Kennedy School to support community-based researchers who are assessing the social impacts of AI. He has also attended the Citizen Lab Summer Institute at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto.

Media Democracy Fund fellowship program works to ensure that technology is used to expand basic rights and freedoms. MDF works closely with partner organisations to make the greatest impact and protect the public’s fundamental rights to freely express opinions, mobilize marginalized communities and promote equity for all.
