Cybersecurity Capacity Centre for Southern Africa (C3SA)

RIA joins partners, the University of Cape Town (UCT), the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, Oxford Martin School, the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) in launching the Cybersecurity Capacity Centre for Southern Africa (C3SA).

C3SA aims to provide a single entry point for cybersecurity capacity building and research activities in the Southern Africa region and beyond.

C3SA acts as a coordination and collaboration hub between cybersecurity capacity-building actors in order to reduce duplication of efforts on cyber capacity building in the region. 

C3SA’s aims are to:
  • strengthen the African region’s competence to fight cybercrime;
  • promote women’s participation in cybersecurity research and policymaking;
  • increase the scale, pace, and quality of cybersecurity capacity building; and
  • contribute to an open, free, and resilient Internet.

RIA’s senior research associate, Dr. Enrico Calandro, is the co-director of C3SA. The centre, which is based at UCT, officially started activities in March 2020.

The planned main products and/or services of the project are training and workshop sessions on cyber policy, regulation, and capacity in the region; completion of Cybersecurity Capacity Maturity Model for Nations (CMM) and Review Reports in six countries through multistakeholder focus groups; cyber-maturity assessments of Critical National Infrastructure protection in target countries; and publication of policy/academic papers to inform the debate on a national, regional and global level (outputs).

Read C3SA’s launch press release: RIA joins UCT and University of Oxford in launching new cybersecurity academic centre.

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