IGF panel discussion on collaborative models for cybersecurity: The Mauritius case

What is the rationale for multistakeholder collaboration in cybersecurity policymaking? How can multistakeholder collaborations in cybersecurity be improved in Africa? What are the challenges of implementing them? What forms should multistakeholder collaborations for cybersecurity take? What are the key success factors experienced by the different stakeholders involved in such collaborations?

Those are some of the questions that will be discussed during a panel discussion, organised by Research ICT Africa, on collaborative models for cybersecurity, which will be held at the upcoming annual Internet Governance Forum meeting in Paris on Tuesday, 13 November, from 17:20 to 18:20. 

During the panel, the notion of collaboration in cybersecurity and the need for it will be investigated. To distinguish between traditional public-private partnerships (PPPs) in network infrastructure industries and a wider array of collaborative relationships that are relevant to cybersecurity, the panellists will discuss collaboration in cybersecurity in detail, by delving into different types of collaboration and how they differ from more traditional PPPs, before focusing on how such relationships can be designed to promote cybersecurity. The debate will build on the research conducted by Research ICT Africa on collaborative models for cybersecurity in Mauritius, and panellists from the private, academia, and non-for profit sector will be invited to provide their views on how different stakeholders can effectively build collaborative models for a safe and secure digital space.

You can register to the panel discussion at the following link:


Date: 13 November

Time: 1720-1820pm
