Research ICT Africa among top 20 global science and technology think tanks

Research ICT Africa has been ranked among the top 20 global science and technology think tanks according to the 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index (GGTTI). The GGTTTI has become the gold standard of excellence for think tanks around the world and is widely cited by donors, journals, think tanks and policymakers.

The GGTTI marks the eighth year of continued efforts by Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) to track emerging global trends and acknowledge the important contributions made by think tanks worldwide. Through peer nominations and an expert panel review, Research ICT Africa was placed 19th within the research area of Science and Technology, despite not being an ideal category for RIA. Most of the other top 20 are massive state-funded research councils; think tanks within famous international univerisites such as the only other South African think tank in the S&T top 20, CSIR; think tanks within famous internationally renowned universities; and privately endowed institutes. RIA would not be included in this index without the sustained support we have received for over a decade from the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

RIA  would also not be in the top 20 without its sterling nomination by its sister organisation, LIRNEasia, with whom it has collaborated for over a decade, and with whom we share this acknowledgement of the rigour of our research undertaking, and the successful use of this research for policy influence and advocacy in Africa and Asia.

The full report is available  here
