Public Wi-Fi/open access models in developing countries- Access solution or supplementary model?

Global IGF 2016: Is public Wi-Fi an answer to affordable access to the internet now?
Friday 9 December. 1130-1300
Guadalajara, Mexico.
Fishbowl session
Workshop Organisers: Dr Alison Gillwald and Chenai Chair
Christopher Geerdts, Moctar Yadaly, Carlos Rey Moreno, Alice Munyua

Digital inequality remains the primary barrier to the harnessing of ICTs in the three broad areas of the Sustainable Development Goals – economic development, social inclusion and environmental. In this context this workshop explores free public Wi-Fi models that are emerging as an effective new form of demand aggregation able to leverage the increased availability of Internet enable mobile-devices in developing countries where, even effectively regulated, broadband services are unaffordable for many people. The inputs will profile various public, private and public private interplay models being deployed to provide public access. It will present a case for how such models might make better use of universal services funds with  public access provisioning by licensees being substituted for universal service levies, which are largely not spent, misspent or underspent with little benefit for the poor. It will explore the success factors of various models including consideration of what constitutes a conducive policy and regulatory environment for Public Wi-Fi. Find out more about the session here!
